News Blog

Statutory Information for Maintained School Websites

Updated May 15th 2024

Schools often ask us if there is a prescribed set of information which has to be provided in order to be compliant with government legislation. This legislation was published in September 2014 and continues to evolve as regulatory demands change. Occasionally, local authorities will make recommendations for additional content to be shown on your school website. This is further compounded by the demands of schools within a Church or Trust setting. Please refer to your local setting for this guidance.

Facebook Blog Posting!

In today's fast-paced digital world, staying connected with parents, students, and the broader school community is essential for educational institutions. Timely updates, event announcements, and sharing achievements are all part of maintaining a strong online presence. However, managing multiple communication platforms can be a daunting task for busy school administrators. This is where Tapiochre comes to the rescue, offering a seamless solution to automate posting from school blog pages directly to school Facebook and Twitter accounts!

GDPR - Third Party Privacy

Since the introduction of GDPR,  much has been implemented with respect to how websites reference privacy.  Even so,  there are still certain considerations which should be taken into consideration to help to ensure your website is correctly informing visitors about the potential for their personal data  being collected by third party providers.

Online Training Course Successes!

In January 2021, Tapiochre undertook the delivery of online training courses for their school customers. The impact of coronavirus was continuing to  impact the ability to visit schools to provide face-to-face coaching and despite best efforts it was simply impossible to attend in person as we normally do. One of the keys of implementing a successful remote coaching service is to ensure that not only is it properly marketed but it also has to be easy for attendees to book onto chosen sessions and to  benefit from timely and appropriate communication about the event.